Sunday, February 1, 2009

The Steeds

If not for Yasir constantly pushing me I would have never experienced the pleasure of being a proud owner of The Royal Enfield Bullet Electra 5S .
I always fancied the Royal Enfield and always Respected the beasts, never had the guts to tame one during my teens. After getting married happily for five years and having two kids I thought it was too late to even think of owning a Royal Enfield. I was even seriously thinking of selling off my Pulsar 150 and buying the Aviator, Yes! the Honda Aviator. I thank God, Thank my stars and Thank Yasir for saving my life and holding me back from committing a major Crime!!!
It all started when Yasir was bit by this Big Big Bullet Bug and Our Man went ahead and bought himself a ThunderBird and also invited me to accompany him on his first highway ride astride the ThunderBird . I happily obliged and we rode to Yelgiri and back (Approx 300km) . We were pretty pleased with the Bird (Our baccksides were not).We knew and heard from friends that the ThunderBird does not have a bullet feel to it but after experiencing it ourselves our minds started to work on the idea of owning the real mean macho machine.
The Hunt began..... and we found Yasir's beast The Royal Enfield Lightning 535 (Look up Project Phoenix else where on this blog). I found This lovely well maintained 2007 model Royal Enfield Bullet Electra 5 Speed for myself.
It has all the bells and whistles which I always wanted my ride to have. Self start, Disc Brakes, Gas charged shock absorbers, I can't ask for more...
I took my wife Khizra for a 40Km cruise on my Electra 5s and she was Impressed and very kindly complimented my Prized possession by calling it a Jumbo Jet!! Oh i was so very flattered by that comment. My Electra was a Breeze so Khizra rightly named it Rabee. The Breeze (In Arabic)

That's me with Rabee.... You can clearly see the Pride on my face, Comes along with the Ownership of every Royal Enfield Motor Cycle.


  1. Wow is there anything that you are not into? I didnt know you are into bullets as well. By the way you looking dashing clean shaved. I know I know... the reason why you keep beard.

    Anyways throughly enjoyed the blog. Kudos.

  2. Hey Sunny, that aint me,
    Its ma cuz Mueen with Rabee.
